Prof. Pedro Sebastião

Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisboa, Portugal)
Research interests:
In the past 30 years I have studied, by proton NMR Relaxometry, many different materials under different physical conditions (e.g liquid crystals, ionic liquids, dendrimers, polymers, nano confined organic materials, polymer blends and nano composites). I would like to continue exploring the use of NMR Relaxometry in new systems and share my experience with others (should they find it useful).
In all NMR Relaxometry studies that I collaborate since 1988, the aim was always to analyse the experimental results using the different relaxation models available in the literature. I have written a software web based platform/service (, available since 2009, that makes model fitting accessible to both expert and inexperience users. It includes some of the relaxation models most commonly used to interpret T1 (also T2 and T1rho) relaxation as function of Larmor frequency, temperature, etc.. The concept might be useful and contribute for the future development of software to be made available as a derivable of our COST Action. I will be interested in continue to develop the library of relaxation models and share my experience within the WGs.
I collaborate in an instrumentation development team in Lisboa since 1993 and we have our technological solutions for FFC NMR. We would like to participate in this WG since we have a permanent wish of improving FFC technology.