Eng. Pauline de Pellegars

SATT AxLR (Montpellier Cedex, France)
BioNanoNMRI user facility, University of Montpellier (Montpellier Cedex, France)
+33 6 67 28 69 03
Research interests:
I am working on the development of MRI antennas at the user facility BioNanoNMRI for the company RS2D.
I am investigating a new way to collect the NMR signal using short wire antenna (i.e. L<< λ). Rungs of this antenna are arranged like the SHS (Space Harmonics Suppression)[1]. This innovative technology could be an efficient alternative to the inductive antenna design.
In fact, it is compatible with already existing NMR and MRI protocols and can open new opportunities with the introduction of specific aquisition pulses sequences. Moreover the wire antenna could allow slice selection without the use of the pulse magnetic gradient impacting the size of the MRI setup with potential applications for the portable NMRI and MRI devices.
In parallel I am also designing inductive rat and mouse brain antenna for tinnitus and Alzheimer diseases.
[1] The magnetic Field Homogeneity of Coil by Means of the Space Hamonics Suppression of the Current Density Distribution, C.Coillot & al.
[2] The signal-to-noise-ratio of the nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, J Magn Reson, Vol. 24, pp. 71-85, Hoult D.I., Richards R.E., (1976)