Dr. Corinne Rondeau-Mouro
IRSTEA UR OPAALE (Optimization of processes for agriculture, agri-food industries and environment) IRMFood team (France)
+33 (0)2 23 48 21 43; +33 (0)2 23 48 21 21
Research interests: 
IRM-Food is the NMR research team that has been working for the last 15 years on NMR and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) as tools for characterizing food structures and the food processes that generate such structures. IRSTEA’s NMR research group is a leader in NMR and MRI applied to food processing (7 scientists, 4 engineers, 1 technicians, ~ 6 PhD). The main force of the research team lies on its interdisciplinarity, integrating expertise in NMR and MRI Relaxometry, in food engineering but also in signal and images analyses. IRSTEA’s NMR research group is ISO 9001 certified for research activities and expertise. IRM-Food research group is also involved in the research platform PRISM for Multimodal MR Imaging and Spectroscopy. This platform is supported by two national networks, the life science and environment core facility network in western France "Biogenouest" and IBISA (http://prism.irstea.fr/content/la-plate-forme). Our research is divided into three axes to help three main industry sectors, cereal, dairy and horticulture : • Development of quantitative NMR and MRI methods to characterize foodstuffs and their transformation in real-time • Investigation of water transfers in bioproducts (plants, starchy and dairy products) • Understanding and modeling of bubbles growth in viscoelastic matrices (cheese, cereal products)